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Electrical system

Category Electrical system has the subcategory

The product category Wartburg 1.3 > Spare parts > Electrical system is spread over 9 sites:

Carrier for carbon brush

Retainer for the carbon brushes at the rotary current generator.
New produced spare part.
For each generator one piece will be needed.
Fit to all generators 12V Trabant 601, Trabant1.1, Wartburg 353, Wartburg 1.3, Barkas B1000 und B1000-1, Multicar M25
17,85 €inclusive VAT, plus shipping costs
Delivery in 1-3 days

Art.No. 8495

Switch and timing switch for wiper motor

Combination switch with 2 level timing,2 level of wiper speeds and button for screen water.
Switch for wiper motor 12V.
Delivery inklusive knob for Trabant-Types. The switch can be modificatet with the knob for Wartburg, Barkas, Multicar ec.
  • New produced spare part
  • one piece will be needed
53,63 €inclusive VAT, plus shipping costs
Delivery in 1-3 days

Art.No. 1117

Set of cable grommet seal

One set of cable grommet seals with different sizes.
  • 40 pieces body hole: 6mm / wire bore: 2mm
  • 40 pieces body hole: 7,5mm / wire bore: 5mm
  • 40 pieces body hole: 9mm / wire bore: 6mm
  • 25 pieces body hole: 11mm / wire bore: 8,5mm
  • 20 pieces body hole: 12mm / wire bore: 10mm
  • 5 pieces body hole: 15mm / wire bore: 12mm
  • 5 pieces body hole : 20,5mm / wire bore: 14,5mm
  • 5 pieces body hole: 23,5mm / wire bore: 17,5mm
15,86 €inclusive VAT, plus shipping costs
Delivery in 1-3 days

Art.No. 8608

Freewheel for starter Trabant 1.1, Wartburg 1,3 und B1000-1

Starter freewheel complete premounted inclusive pinion (9 teeth).
Fit to Trabant 1.1, Wartburg 1,3 und B1000-1
Can be used for original starters
This part is made in Europe. High quality, best replacement for the genuine spare part.
30,94 €inclusive VAT, plus shipping costs
Delivery in 1-3 days

Art.No. 8674
The product category Wartburg 1.3 > Spare parts > Electrical system is spread over 9 sites:
Show all products

* All prices inclusive VAT and plus shipping costs.
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Ersatzteile für Trabant, Wartburg und Barkas