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fuel tank coating

The complete offer in fuel tank coating

Products and services for remanufacturing of fuel tanks


Fuel tanks made ​​of sheet metal have the property that they can rust if they do not have sufficient corrosion protection on the inner surfaces. This is particularly important in older vehicles (classic cars) very often the case. Some existing coatings over time and no longer intact and it comes to rust.
Were at times used as a still leaded fuels, this problem on a much lesser extent than is the case today.
By the current use of unleaded gasoline, the formation of rust can not be excluded even with a filled tank. The reason is the strength of today's fuels aggression by, used since 2003, additives to increase the octane number. These additions are partially hygroscopic (water-attracting), which is problematic, especially during long periods. The fuel can be split here, the water is not mixed in the fuel. In addition, bacteria can form, which will help to create an environment that attacks reinforced the sheet.


To reduce the risc of corrosion inside the fuel tank even the car will used seldom (long downtime for the fuel/gas) and save the quality of fuel a suitable additive should be used, like our fuel-stabilizer.


If inner sides of a fuel tank begin to be rusty (more or less), the fuel filter could clog by rust.
To remove the rust inside the fuel tank different variants are possible which can be use separate or in combination.

1. Mechanical cleaning inside/outside

We can offer the mechanical cleaning of your fuel tank.
For cleaning inside the fuel tank the process of barrel finishing will be used. For fuel tanks with less rust (only with surface rust) this process can be used solitary.

The follow picture shows the inner side of a fuel tank (Trabant 601) after mechanical cleaning after barrel finishing:
result after barrel finishing
Price example:

2. Chemical derusting followed by coating

If grade of rusty is to high and/or the vehicle will be used very rare, the mechanical cleaning process will be insufficient for a longterm result.
In this case a chemical derusting will be made after machanical cleaning. The benefit of this process is the rigorous desrusting also inside small pores.
Next picture shows the inner side of fuel tank after a chemical derusting:
Inner side of fuel tank after chemical derusting with FEDOX

After that the fuel tank will be flushed out and coated with 2-component fuel tank paint (TAPOX, Article-No.: 6491).
TAPOX coated inner side of fuel tank (Trabant)

price example:

fuel stabiliser, 250ml

for trouble free over-wintering of engines and fuel tanks.
The volume of the boddle protect 50 liter petrol.
priece per Liter: 59,72 Euro
14,93 €inclusive VAT, plus shipping costs
Delivery in 1-3 days

Art.No. 6671

FeDOX concentrated rust remover, 1000ml

30,54 €inclusive VAT, plus shipping costs
Delivery in 1-3 days

Art.No. 6669

FERTAN, 1000ml

45,22 €inclusive VAT, plus shipping costs
Lieferbar innerhalb von 6-8 Wochen.

Art.No. 6670

TAPOX 2-part fuel tank coating

Fuel resistant 2-component epoxy resinvarnish fit to inner coating of fuel tanks und also as high-quality rust protection paint.
Depending on shape of fuel tank sufficent for tank volume from 16 to 40 litre.


  • TAPOX (component 1) 415g
  • TX-10 hardener (component 2) 125g
  • detailed description of workmanship for tank coating inclusive all preliminaries
65,12 €inclusive VAT, plus shipping costs
Delivery in 1-3 days

Art.No. 6491
The complete offer in fuel tank coating

* All prices inclusive VAT and plus shipping costs.
© 2003 - 2024
Ersatzteile für Trabant, Wartburg und Barkas
  Werbung: Kinderküche